How important do you think a woman can take care of her hands, which can be done at home? Certainly many of you are thinking about this. Of course, the external attractiveness of the face is very important, but the hands with a special insidiousness betray our true age.
That is why the topic of how to rejuvenate our hands at home has always interested us and will be sought after for a very long time. And today we have prepared a small but "tasty" selection of recipes in this direction.
Fruits, soda and oats. . . . Exfoliation of hands
Peeling is a simple but incredibly effective procedure. It allows you to renew the skin of the hands, and can also act as a preparatory stage for the subsequent application of various masks.
At home, the procedure can be performed several times a week. This is enough to keep your fingers in perfect condition.
Here are some recipes that you can easily create. After all, everything you need is a must in any kitchen.
- Pour a small spoonful of baking soda with the same volume of warm water. Add the same amount of sour cream or yogurt to it. Mix the mixture well and apply on the hands, making light massage movements. The duration of the procedure is five minutes. Wash the composition under warm running water.
- Pour boiling water over small oats - 1: 1 ratio - and allow to swell. Two or three minutes will suffice. Then add egg yolk and a little fresh lemon juice to the finished mass. Apply the composition on your hands and massage well.
- Pomegranate and grape juice exfoliates the upper cells of the epidermis well. To form a peeling mixture, each of these drinks must be combined with starch, rice flour or oatmeal.
- Fruit peeling gives an excellent effect. It also prepares very quickly. Just mash any "sour" fruit and apply the paste on your hands. The duration of the procedure is fifteen . . . twenty minutes. Remove the fruit under running water.
The peel, prepared according to the following recipe, will help save cracked and severely flaky fingers:
- You need to combine sleeping coffee grounds and common salt (1: 1 ratio).
- Add a teaspoon of lemon juice, honey and high-fat kefir to the composition.
- Leave the resulting mixture for about fifteen minutes and then apply it on your hands.
This recipe can be used once a week. The product is simultaneously peeling, scrub and anti-pigment mask.
To provide extra protection for your hands, it is advisable to add a few drops of tea tree ether to each homemade bark. The oil has excellent antibacterial properties.
Hand masks
Women over the age of 40 for the most part come to the conclusion that even the most expensive creams cannot replace home care. That is why home baths, masks and peels are incredibly successful.
For the preparation of masks for all areas of care you can use literally all the products that are at home on the shelf of the refrigerator.
With boiled potatoes
You need to boil two unpeeled potatoes and grate them without cooling. Then cut the cucumber in the same way. Mix the two products. If the composition is too thick, you can add a little warm milk to it.
Apply the mask on your hands and leave it on for twenty minutes.
With olive oil
In olive oil (two tablespoons) add a little lemon juice - just a few drops - and two drops of iodine. Grease your fingers with oil and wait ten minutes. The mixture can then be washed off.
This mask is interesting in that it not only nourishes the skin of the hands, but also strengthens the nail plate.
With protein
Separate the white from the yolk and beat until stiff, like a meringue. Add a drop of lemon juice and olive oil. Apply the composition and hold for fifteen minutes. Your fingers will get excellent nutrition.
And the yolk can be applied to the face without any additives, and lie down with it for a few minutes - a wonderful anti-aging skin mask.

With oatmeal
You need to mix oatmeal (you can grind the flakes in a coffee grinder) and a spoonful of liquid honey. Add the yolk to the resulting mixture.
Such a mask can be used as a "night" mask, that is, you will need to apply the composition on your hands and put gloves on top. The effect is amazing! This is confirmed by women's examinations.
With lemon peel
You will need lemon peel (a tablespoon) and the same amount of olive oil. Mix the ingredients and add a spoonful of green tea (the drink should be strong). And the last component of the mask is cottage cheese (two tablespoons).
Keep the composition for at least half an hour.
With sour cream
The greasy sour cream (one spoon) should be combined with the yolk and a spoonful of liquid honey. The components are mixed thoroughly so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Apply on hands and leave for twenty minutes.
Simple and easy - useful hand baths
If your hands have very dry skin, oil baths will help you resuscitate your fingers by returning them to their previous velvety texture. Such oil baths - so called salon procedure - should be accepted as a habit by every woman. In addition, it is nothing complicated, but a quick result in the form of rejuvenation of the skin of the hands, as they say, on the face.
With butter
To prepare the bath, you can use any vegetable oil. But it is best to take olive, peach or almond.
- Before that, the oil should be warmed slightly and a few drops of lemon juice added.
- Pour the product into a flat bowl so that it is comfortable to dip your hands in it.
- Dip the brushes in the oil for ten to fifteen minutes.
- Then gently wipe off excess liquid with a paper towel.
The oil can be reused instead of discarded.
With soda
Baths with baking soda will give your fingers the softness of silk.
- Soda (two teaspoons) should be dissolved in a glass of warm water.
- Smear your hands with warm vegetable oil and dip in a soda solution.
- The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes.
Then dry your hands with a paper towel or soft cloth and reapply the oil.

With a decoction of potatoes
You can use potato broth to prepare the bath. Wait for the liquid to cool and then add a little vegetable oil to it. You can now opt out.
The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes.
With salt
Mineral baths give an excellent effect. Here you need to add sea salt to the water, but in the absence of such, ordinary salt will do. The procedure helps to remove redness from the skin and also has a firming effect on the surface of the nail plate.
Preparing a bath is very simple: you need to dissolve the salt in warm water and add a few drops of citrus essential oil.
With vinegar
In hyperhidrosis of the palms, when the skin sweats a lot, vinegar baths will help. For two glasses of warm water you need to take one hundred milliliters of table vinegar - not vinegar essence! The duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes.
Manual gymnastics
To keep your arms young for as long as possible, it is recommended that you perform a simple set of exercises during the day.
- Spread actively for a few minutes and connect the fingers of both hands.
- With the fingers of one hand we try to spread the fingers of the other as wide as possible.
- For the third exercise, you will need to buy a small ball to fit in the palm of your hand. With your index finger and thumb (first one hand, then the other), you should try to squeeze it as much as possible.
Manual massage
Massage is a real magic tool, which, unfortunately, we forget. But it is ironing and tapping that improve local blood flow. The result is better absorption of nutrients and accelerated tissue regeneration. At the same time, massage helps to relax the hands, which is also very important.
The manual massage can be performed anywhere, such as sitting in an armchair in front of the TV.
- Make a fist with one hand and rub the palm of the other with it.
- Massage your wrist.
- Rub your fingers. A feeling of pleasant warmth should appear in them.
- Stretch each knuckle.
- Imagine wearing thin gloves. "Take them out" of each finger in turn.
And as a last step, apply your own skin care cream on your hands.
As you can see, home care using only natural products is far superior to salon procedures. In addition, such procedures do not present any difficulties.